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Fuckin' great book. Don't know why the author is anonynous as it looks like Daisy Black wrote it.Lots of laughs, a bit of sadness and a lot of pent up anger and frustartion. Thank christ for the big M.

Daisy, if you read this you should go to Scotland as there are a lot of white trash folks living there expecting the government to feed, clothe and look after the lazy drunken fucked up bastards - similar to Texas only its the whole fuckin' country.


If you ever wondered what it's like in the mind of the Clinically Insane, here's your chance. At times I had to stop, take a hot shower and wash the Krud off.Check it out.


I think that Daisy Black is really underappreciated. She really makes it feel like you were there in the midst of a bunch of really sick people. This is life on the streets. You can't get any more authentic. If you are into gutter punk, or street kids, then this is your novel. You will like it; so give it a try. She really lived it. Just read it once.

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